Monday, January 28, 2008

Recent Politics...

On the subject of the much anticipated "rebate", does anyone really think this is going to help anyone.

First of all, does everyone realize that this is money that we would have gotten back in 2009 anyway (most of us)....but instead we get it now. The benefit is all the Chinese....if you didn't know, our govt can't afford to cover the rebate, so they'll be borrowing the $150b from the Chinese!!!!

Second, if you want to help us short term & long term, think ENERGY. Short term - Remove oil futures from the market, nearly 30% (some say 50%) of the cost of a barrel of oil is inflated by investors speculating on the commodity. Then, set one national standard for longer allow each state to regulate the specific fuel it wants, forcing the gas companies to mfg 100 grades of gasoline.

Long term - Open the gulf to drilling, it's out there, someone (China) is going to take it, so we might as well get it. Then allow the construction of new refinaries. According to my buddy John, we are now not only importing oil, but gasoline, becuase when we get the oil, we don't have enough resources to refine it into gas. We haven't built a new refinary in almost 30 years.

Also long-term, get off coal, and switch the entire countries electricity grid to Nuclear, and build new

Also long-term, offer a $10m reward to the first inventor that can produce a electric car that doesn't look and run like a match box.

On other political news, everyone's all excited for Obama because the Kennedy clan has come out and endorsed him. In his comments, he said he was so touched to be linked to a man that has done so much.......what the hell has Ted Kennedy done? Does this mean Obama has now got to go drowned a girl off of Cape Cod?

I weep for this year's election, as of right now, there isn't ANYONE I fee like I can support....I just have to decide who I fear the least!


Blogger Jen said...

The pic of the half nude presidential hopeful is completely unnecessary and quite frankly, made me a little nauseous...

9:41 AM  

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