Monday, April 07, 2008

This guy ain't no Woodward & Bernstein....

I saw this article posted on today. It shouldn't be noted that I have stopped using MSNBC as my home-page on multiple occasions for stupidity, but end up going back because it's web-designers (unlike it's reporters) have done a great job, and I haven't found another news website that gives me Iraqi bombs, winning lottery numbers, and my horoscope so nicely laid out on one page.

On the is the article....

DETROIT - A 3-year-old girl found a gun in a bedroom of her home and shot herself in the head Sunday, police said.

One of the girl's parents apparently owned the gun, and at least one parent was home when she shot herself Sunday afternoon. Police questioned the parents and took the gun, the Detroit Free Press reported.

The girl was taken to Sinai Grace Hospital, then transferred to Children's Hospital of Michigan. The Detroit News reported she was in critical condition.

My problem is the opening line of the second paragraph.."One of the girl's parents apparently owned the gun"....slow down there skippy. How do you know it wasn't the three-year old's? I know I've wandered into the local Bass Pro Shop, and seen the odd infant checking out the Glocks in the firearms section. I think you need to launch one of of those hidden camera investigations with Brian Williams, before you go off spouting ASSUMPTIONS that the gun belonged to one of the adults, and not the infant. You never know, Junior Mint might have been strapped!

Although, I do admire your journalistic did say "apparently owned"....nice move not going out on a limb too far there!


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