Friday, April 04, 2008

Misc thoughts.....

  • Michel Jarraud, head of the WMO (The UN weather watchdog) says that they predict the la nina currently in effect will continue through the summer, and as such, they further predict that the global temperature will NOT HAVE RISEN IN 10 YEARS!!!!!!! Someone better get a memo to Al Gore and Ted Turner quick!
  • Jaguars back Brian Williams recently was arrested for DUI, and spewed forth a racist, foul mouthed tirad, and at one point said he was going to f**k the officer's daughter.....of course Williams is black, so I don't expect any of those folks that lined up Mel Gibson in front of a firing squad will have one word to say.
  • So far this election season, the Secrect Service protection bill, to me and you, is at $85.3 million dollars.....what makes it worse, that's only for two candidates....and you guessed it....Obama and Clinton. Clinton already had SS protection as a former first lady...but requested and INCREASE in protection during the campaign. Sen. McCain...he said he'd pass until the election is over.


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