Sunday, April 06, 2008

Once a Clinton....always a lair....

"...I remember landing in Bosnia, and having to run with my head down from the plane to the car....." NO, you walked slowly, hugging kids for your photo ops, and took your own sweet time.

"....stories like the pregnant woman, who didn't have insurance, and was turned away at the hospital in OH, and then later died..." NO, she was treated, the baby was still born, and she died later from complications, after again being treated. She was NEVER refused treatment.

" mother named me after Sir Edmond Hillary..." NO, Edmond Hillary did become famous until 5 years after you were born.

(to some Boston High School soccor players) "...I know about racial hatered, when I played soccor in High School, a player on the other team told me she hated me....just because of my race" NO, a quick check shows that your high school didn't have a girls soccor team the years you attended.

"Chelsea was jogging down to the World Trade towers that morning, and saw the impact, and herself was in great danger"....No, according to your daughter, she was on the other side of town asleep, and didn't know about the attacks until someone called her and woke her up.


Blogger Jen said...

I cannot begin to explain to you how much I LOVE when you get in these pissy/nasty moods. That combined with your hatred for the cry-baby democrats, makes you the perfect man.. love ya, J

6:32 AM  
Blogger Tom B said...

Go Rick, Go! Go Rick, GO!

7:20 AM  

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