Thursday, July 31, 2008

On the lighter side....

  • Jamie Lynn Spears is getting married - Really, you're 17, you've got a sure you're not rushing into anything?
  • Brett Favre will be paid $20m NOT to play - I'd come out of retirement too!
  • Ali Lohan porn star - The "super mom" Lohan, after doing such a superb job with Lindsey, is setting up casting calls for teenage daughter Ali...with porn directors....I hear Mom of the Year in her future
  • For $38 on the internet, you can buy a doctor's note that will excuse you from work....I'll give you one for $8
  • A new study finds that Yoga can help relax uptight dogs........I'm done!

I don't even know where to start....

US Apologizes for Slavery:
  • We didn't start slavery, the British did
  • We already apologized for slavery with the hundreads of thousands of lives lost in the war to end it.
  • We already apologized for slavery with "40 acres and a mule"
  • We already apologized for Jim Crow with Affirmative Action, EEO, Hate Crime laws, etc

When will enough be seems to me the African American community is still a slave to it's own leaders, who only want to cling to the past as an excuse to blame things on. Who's going to apologize for that.

Obama didn't mean what he said:

Last night on Fox News, the chickie filling in for Alan Combs (the liberal) asked Carl Rove why the Reps keep trying to infer that Obama's decision NOT to visit the injured soldiers was a political move when it wasn't. Rove replied by saying he was only going by what Obama himself said on 26-July. The lib said that was the wrong interpretation. Rove then receited the exact quote, to with the Lib said he was taking it out of context....Sean Hannity then rolled the video of the statement, to which she replied she "took a different meaning".....Obama's explanation...the second one offered, was that he learned on of his senior campaign workers, who was retired military, would not be allowed on the tour, and we could only take one Senate staffer, I then decided it would be to political"...puh-lease! If you wanted to show respect to the soldiers, leave the campaign staffer, the senate staffer, and all the media on the plane, and go say thank you to the injured soldiers. There is NO reason that he shouldn't have done this other than it didn't serve his purpose without being photographed.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Update...Obama was worried about the injured soldiers...

In the most recent "spin" by the Obama campaign, an aide now says the reason Obama blew off the injured soldiers in Germany was because he didn't want to politize them or their injuries. Of course, that concern didn't come up until he was told his campaign aide (and retired Lt. Col) couldn't come along with him on the tour, nor could the dozens of press corp along with him.

If this is true, then why wasn't Obama concerned when he visited the injured soldiers at Johns Hopkins, or in Afghanistan?!?!?!

So what did we learn from Obama's trip?
  1. He doesn't want the American flag on his plane
  2. He wont visit serivcemen unless he can be photographed doing so
  3. Despite being told that the conditions in Iraq should dictate the withdrawl, he pulled a 16 month timeline out of his ass....a timeline he already had before he met with the Army brass.
  4. And the French love him......that's enough of a reason to dump him anyway!

Truly I was shocked he flew to the middle east....I just figured with all the hype he'd just walk across water to get there.

Monday, July 28, 2008

It's no wonder we're all FUBAR....

When you think that most of the people put most of their faith in government, and we use the media help us keep tabs on the government....these below really have to make you wonder....(courtesty of my sista Deana)

  • "Volunteers search for old Civil War planes" - Who's more stupid...the searchers, or the reporter that thought this was a story.
  • "Army Vehicle Disappears....after being panted camoflauge"....isn't that kind of the point?
  • "Council Meeting to discuss Open Meetings is Closed to the Public"....huh?
  • "Caskets found when workers demolish mausoleum"....they were expecting to find car parts?
  • "10 Commandments: Supreme Court says some OK, some not" - Draw your own conclusions
  • "Utah Poison Control Center reminds everyone not to take poison"....excellent investigative reporting there Sherlock.
  • "Statistics show teen pregnancy drops off significantly after age 25"...couple of things...wouldn't it drop off altogether after age 19.......cause you wouldn't be a teenager anymore.....and I'm sure this study was funded by a federal grant.
  • (Headline) "One-Armed man applauds the kindness of strangers"...this reporter should go back to journalism school, and retake the classes on proof reading your headlines.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yet another Obama-ism

During the Messiah Tour '08, Obama had scheduled a visit to a military hospital in Germany where wounded soldiers are treated and cared for.

Keep in mind now, all the times we've heard this is NOT a political photo-op tour.

Well, a couple of days before arriving, Obama was told the the Dept Of Defense, that policy would only allow him (Obama) and one staff memeber (not campaign worker) to tour the hospital. They want to minimize the disturbance to the injured soldiers.

When Obama realized this meant the dozens of reporters traveling with him would not able to snap photos of him with the hero soldiers, he canceled the entire visit!!!!!

Translated - Mr. Soldier, who gave so much of yourself to our're only worth visiting if I can be pictures I can use during my campaign....if I can't get those're not worth seeing.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The latest in the Obama-gate...

The Socialist-Islamic...I mean Democratic nominee...recently had his private jet renovated to better suit him during the remainder of his campaign travels.....some of the changes....

  • Larger, more comfortable seats
  • A conf/mtg area
  • Electrical outlets at every seat so his private entourage, I mean the mainstream media, can plug in their laptops.

Oh, yeah, one more thing....he had the American Flag removed from the plane's tail section....nice.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just time for a quckie....

Oil is down 8% in the last two days......any bets on how long it takes to see the $.32 per gallon drop that we should get?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Liberal "two-face two-step"....

  • Wesley Clark can minimalize McCain's service record, and his years as a POW and that's ok.....but point out that John Kerry lied about his service record...and he was "swift boated"
  • Micheal Moore can make a video of half-truths and lies, and he wins an academy award....The New Yorker prints a cover of satire...and they're making racist attacks.
  • Obama can associate with Myers, Wright, Flagel and all those other wing-nuts...and he can just say he doesn't remember....McCain has breakfast with Hagee and he's associating with a hate-monger
  • McCain backs off of the amensty for illegals and he's folding...but Obama slows his talk about pulling out of war instead moving our troops back to Afghan, and he's "shifting towards the center"

By the way, did you hear Obama admit the surge in Iraq is working? The surge he voted against.

Here's another question, why can't a liberal ever answer a direct question. Even when asked 3 times, they still refuse to answer.

If you want to see a good example, youtube the video of Chris Matthews interviewing Obama supporter Kirk Watson.....he cannot answer a direct question about Obama's record....but yet he fully supports him.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The American (Southern) Language...

I'm up working in DC this week, and one of the Engineers commented that he got an email from a rep in Charleston, SC....which included the word "y'all".....he couldn't believe the guy used the word in a business email.

I had to educate him that in the South...this is a perfectly acceptable term...when he questioned me, I offered the following as proof....

  • When using Word or Outlook, if you spell y'all will pass spell-check
  • According to the Meriam Webster Website, this is a valid word, defined as a deviation on the term "you all"
  • And on the same website, they offer a .wav file so you know how to properly pronounce the word.

So, in the end, if y'all don't like our words.....yuz guyz can kiss my butt!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A picture is worth 1,000 words.....