Tuesday, October 31, 2006

In the words of John Kerry...

If you study, work hard, get an education, and take advantage of your opportunities you can get ahead...and if not...you go in the military....so by supposition:

  1. Joining the military is for those who are uneducated
  2. Joining the military is for those who don't work hard
  3. Joining the military is for those who throw away opportunities
  4. Joining the military does not offer the opportunity to "get ahead"

Tell me again why anyone voted for this chucklehead?

Just as a side note, by his own admission, he didn't study, didn't work hard, isn't educated, and threw away his opportunties....he must have, 'cause he went in the military!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Studio 60....don't be the one that missed it..

For those of you who haven't watched "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" you're missing one of those shows that will be gone before anyone appeciates it.

Everyone watched the first night looking for a Saturnday Night Live spoof, and there was some of that, but that wasn't the biggest part.

I have to tell you, if I ran into Matthew Perry today, I'd have to figure out how to walk up to a stranger and say.."I'm proud of you"...without sounding like a stalker or condesending.

This might be the smartest television I've seen written since NYPD Blue....and by that I mean those of you who think NYPD was only about cops..think Studio 60 is only about a TV show.

To prove it, I challenge anyone to watch this weeks S60 (my own little short hand) and not be taken by Eli Wallach. More importantly....when you were all ignoring the kid giving his parents the tour...we're you paying enough attention to hear him explain why Eli Wallach's character wasn't remembered by anyone.

The best TV is that which makes you think, and don't think for one minute that this is just "Chandler" working on a new show...these people are making a great show, and you're missing it if you're not watching it now.

Oh oh....sorry Jen.....

None of us should be in movies...

So I was playing around with this site I found from one of Meg's friend's blogs...you can load a picture of yourself, and it will list all the celebs you look like, and the % of likeness. Keep in mind these are specific to individual pictures....but I was a little upset at my results...

A pick of me at over 450lbs matched the following:
  • 52% Arnold Swartenegger
  • 49% Sean Connery

But a pic of me a 350 matched like this:

  • 60% Bill Clinton
  • 58% Charlton Heston
  • 51% Jamie Foxx

I guess what it's trying to tell me is that if I lose 100lbs...I become old, a democrate AND black.

Well, before you all chuckle too much...I ran some of your pictures too:

My buddy John:

  • 60% Sting
  • 59% Yuri Andropov
  • 58% Dane Cook

My brother Gary:

  • 59% Russell Crowe
  • 58% Quinton Tarantino

My she-bro Jen:

  • 71% Julianna Marguilies
  • 60% Daisy Fuentes
  • Note: The fact it didn't match her with Drew Barrymore speaks loads about the realiability

My sister Deana:

  • 74% Julie Chrisite
  • 72% Alyson Hannigan

My bro Mike:

  • 76% Alec Baldwin
  • 70% Jason Lee (Ny name is Earl)
  • 67% Colin Mochrie

My bro Dan:

  • 70% Richard Gere
  • 61% Haley Joel Osmond (I see stupid people)
  • 56% Scott Bakula

My wife Pam:

  • 74% Sally Field
  • 70% Sela Ward (hot, hot, hot)
  • 63% Rosario Dawson (Did you see her in Sin City?)
  • 68% Lucy Lawless

So in summary, you guys are all hot....and I'm a 100 year old black democrat!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Just some quick thoughts on the upcoming elections...

Please Vote Democratic if:
  • You want to have your federal income tax jump by 7-15% in 2007
  • Pay an extra $500 in federal taxes for each child you have
  • Want to see gas go back over $3 a gallon
  • Want to see us leave Iraq, and hand over control of the region to Iran & Syria
  • Put the party back in control that handed North Korea the technology to build that little nuke they exploded this month.

Please Vote Republican if:

  • You want the Dow to remain above 12,000
  • You want gas to remain below $2.50 a gallon
  • You want unemployement to remain below 6%
  • You want your current tax rate to remain the same (not go higher)
  • You want to finish a job we started (regardless of the correctness of the act) and leave Iraq better than when we found it.

Please Vote Libertarin if: (In honor of my buddy John)

  • You've had enough of both parties, and believe that it's time to start a change, even if you know you can't win right now.
  • Want the Feds to return control to the states as intended in the constitution
  • Want a govt that honors the constitution, and doesn't use your fed tax dollars to influence local control.

More later....

Friday, October 20, 2006

Let's Play "Name That Celebrity"

Who's the lady-about-town that can be seen jet-setting all over Germantown? Maybe you've caught her out and about at Kroger?

Occasionally, the lucky fan might run into her at Buffalo's!

Who can this high-powered, in high demand "socialite" be....that is just so darn popular getting her to attend a dinner takes DAYS of planning?

Well, we'll never tell...it's hard enough being in such high demand without people "outting" you...

or paparazzi chasing you all around.....

but next time you're filling your tank at one of those elite Exxon stations...

or in the drive through at Taco Bell....

don't be surprised if you aren't blessed with this "celeb" presence.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The squirrel is bitching...

Jen doesn't think I kept my part of the bet, so let me continue....

  1. Jen is brillant
  2. Jen is awesome
  3. Jen is smarter than everyone
  4. Jen is funnier than anyone
  5. Jen is a trivia goddess
  6. Jen the smartest person I've ever known
  7. Jen allows me to be seen with her....and I'm lucky
  8. Jen RULES!!!
  9. It's Jen's ball......and she can bounce it where she wants
  10. Jen is gracious and good.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while...

So at lunch today, Jen and I were listening to the Miami Vice movie soundtrack, and there was a song playing that she said came from "The Thomas Crown Affair"...I of course diagreed, and talked her into making a bet. Of course, it was the song (which I knew) just a new re-mix. When asked why I would make a bet when I knew I was wrong...I had to explain that since getting burned in a bet by John Gregory, she has been gun-shy about betting....so I threw her a bone to lull her into the belief that occasionally she's right.....then, when the time is right...I'll go for a big bet, which she'll take because now she thinks she's smarter than me....and BAM...I got her.

Now, on to paying of the bet...........Jen ROCKS!!!....she is so much smarter than I am, and I should bow to the superior intellect...she is the master of all she surveys....and I am lucky to dwell in her world.

To be continued..............

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Good thing the Dems are looking out for the kids....

With all this Foley mess going on, I have to laugh at some of Dems that are coming out of the woodwork.

First let me say that if Foley has done what it appears he has (solicit sex with a minor) he's a pig, and should be strung up by the nads.

Now, onto the Dems. Too many GOP-ers are throwing Clinton up as saying the Dems are two faced. That's too easy. Yeah he lied, yeah he had sex with an intern, yeah he had several mistresses, and yeah he was accused of rape...that's no reason to run him out of office (like the GOP did Foley).

But Clinton's too easy, there are so many other examples.

  • Barney Franks (D) 1989 - Local PD shut down a homosexual/underage prostitution ring being run out of his home in DC. His response...it wasn't me, it was my room-mate. Yet he's one of the Dems screaming that Hastert should resign because he didn't know about Foley's actions. Franks' boyfriend can run teenage boys out of his house, and it's ok he wasn't aware. A grown man, from another state, sends a few IM/Emails...and Hastert is supposed to be all knowing. For the record, when the House did move to sanction on the Franks affair, Franks stood on the floor of the house and threatened to "out" other members that were in the closet. The sanction went away. Franks is still in the house today.
  • Crane (R) & Studds (D) 1983 - Both men were caught actually having sex with pages, and were censured by the House. Crane (R) was ousted by his own party in the very next primary. Studds (D), was allowed to continue to run for the Dems, and served another 13 years.

And my favorite:

  • Mel Reynolds (D) 1994 - News came out that Reynolds had been paying a 16 year old female page for sex. During the investigation, a call was recorded where the 16 year old was going to bring a 15 year old female for them all to enjoy. Reynolds response.."I hit the lottery"...he was subsequently convicted. HOWEVER....in 2001...he was pardoned by Dem Pres BILL CLINTON....and wnet to work for JESSE JACKSON after his pardon.

Yup, those Dems...hard on child predetors!!!!