Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Bucket List....

Dave Freeman, co-author of "100 Things To Do Before You Die"....was found dead at age 47.

According to family members, Dave had done about 1/2 the things he listed in his book.

Why do I find that funny?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's Moving Time, Moving Time..accross the USA...

I always thought when we bought a new house, that would give me a good 5 - 10 years of no major projects. But alas, that is not the case.

As most of you know, I work out of my house, a while back, the "floating" shelves that I had put up came crashing down. Well I was just going to get some larger anchors, and re-hang them....but being married, it's not that simple.

See, since we need to patch the walls, we should just go ahead and paint, and if we're gonna paint, we'll have to move the furniture, and if we're moving the furniture, why not move it out, and then put down that time floor she's been wanting.

This is all well and good, but that means I need some place else to work, hence the title of this blog. I'm moving my computers, etc into the spare bedroom, and setting up shop on a couple of spare folding tables.

Then we can begin dismantling, patching, painting, tiling, et al. I'm sure when it's all done, I'll be happy, and most likely take credit for most of the work, but right now it's a pain.

Off for another load.....C Ya

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fay was a bitch

Maybe it didn't reach hurricane status, but judging by these pics of my friends house in Florida, it still sucked...

Back Wade's house normal view....

Back of Wade's house after the storm came through....

Water mark on Wade's front door....

This is his front yard normally....

And this is how his street looked a couple hours after the rain STOPPED....

Bad news is, theres more coming on the back side...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Joe Biden....really....

I read today that Obama insiders say Joe Biden is the leading candidate for the VP slot......gawd I hope so.

Here's just a few choice points about Joe Biden:

  • While campaigning in New Hampshire, he told a reporter that he graduated in the top half of his law class, while attending on a full academic scholarship. Truth: He graduated 76th out of about 85, and was only on a partial scholarship....in fact he was barely a C student
  • He told a crowd and the media that immigrants from India were doing very well in this country..as proof he said you can't walk into a 7-11 without seeing one behind the counter
  • He has plagarized Neil Kinnock and Bobby Kennedy when he was running for office
  • He was given an F on a course in Law School when they determined he had plagarized a paper
  • He refered to Obama as a good candidate because "he was clean and good looking"
  • And I'm trying to find documentation, but I think suffered a nervous breakdown some years ago.

It actually makes sense...Biden on the ticket might make Obama look better.

Friday, August 15, 2008

To all the Estonia Haters....

Okay, you'll see on the comments section of my post on Badminton, that 2 of my faithful readers questioned the existance of Estonia, and accused me of making it up.

Well my friends, here you go.....this is a report on my blog....showing that not only does Estonia exist.....but I have readers from there!!!!!

Clearly they are a wise and gentle people!!!!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Help a (white) brother out....

The census forecasts released this week estimate that by 2042, white Americans will no longer be the majority. While I will be too old to probably even see this (79)....I will have neices and nephews that will be in their 30s and 40s....and I rejoice for them.

In 2042 my decedents will...
  • be able to apply for jobs, and get favored status for hiring, even if they aren't qualified.
  • receive free money from the govt to start businesses....just based on their skin color
  • will be recruited heavily by colleges trying to keep their minority numbers up
  • be able to receive special assistance in buying a home baed on their color
  • form the NAAWP - National Association for the Advancement of White People
  • hold the Miss White America contest
  • one of them, who gets govt business money, may start WET...the White Entertainment Network
  • maybe we can invent a holiday like Kwaanza, and claim it dates back to our early European roots

What a glorious day!

Just for amusement

Some sayings that were recently sent to me that gave me a smile:

  • My Indian Name means "Runs with Beer"
  • Deja Moo: The strong feeling that I've heard this bullshit before
  • I didn't say it was your fault....but I'm still going to blame you
  • I'm ashamed of what I did for Klondike bar
  • The only reason you're still breathing right now is because I don't want to carry you
  • I don't mind coming to work...but the 8 hour wait to go home is a bitch

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I'm telling you...it's the sport of kings....

Between NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, and the extra 5 channels DirectTV has dedicated to the Olympics, i've been inclined to occasionally take a trip over to one of those channels to see what's happening. Now the big channels are reserved for the big sports, swimming, gymnastics, etal. But there's some pretty exciting stuff on those "off" channels. The other day, about 2pm (my time), I caught an increadible match of one-on-one badminton. The pride of Estonia was giving the German champ all he could handle. The commentator (that's right, even for badminton...there's a Howard Cossell) pointed it out several times by noting how the german was having to "wipe the sweat off his brow"!

Come on...can't we do better than badminton? I couldn't figure out which was the saddest aspect of this event.....
  1. That these guys, who god love 'em were giving this "sport" their all, were relagated to playing at 2am china time
  2. The the country of Estonia, population about the same as Metro Nashville, even bothered to ask it's people..."hey, anyone here play badminton"....and someone said yes
  3. That the TWO commentators assigned made no real effort to comment on the game other to make stupid, obvious observations, and fake excitment with lines like "whew...he almost missed that speeding shuttlecock"

I'm still waiting for Rock/Paper/Scissors to be come a formal event....then I can dream of representing my country...in a beer stained shirt with a chicken wing in the other hand!

Friday, August 08, 2008

John ain't the baby's daddy.....

Taking one from the Clinton playbook (I did not have sex with that woman...well I did, but it depends on what the meaning of "is" is)

After denying the affair, Edwards today admitted...yup, I did have the affair...but I'm not the father of her child.

I figure when the kid develops a perfectly couffed hair-do in a year or so....he'll have to re-cant this statement too.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Next I'm gonna find out there's no Santa Claus....

Well, my world is crashing down around me. I'm sure you have all seen the Freecreditreport.com ads with the dude playing guitar and singing about things like "rolling off the lot in a used sub compact" or "I married my dream girl....but she didn't tell me her credit was bad".....yeah that guy. Well guess what, that's not him singing or playing the guitar....yup, it's a voice dubbed over.....why???? Cause he's not even American......he's a freakin' French-Canadian!!!!! Stupid Canadians!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Someone should tell BHO to shut up if he wants to win....

In the latest round of proving he's not ready for office Barack has said all of the following:

  • In July, he stated without hesitation, that he was against off-shore drilling and would not support it. Now he says he supports off shore drilling, on both coasts, as a short term fix for the oil shortage.

He said he did NOT support tapping the US Strategic reserve to try to lower oil costs, but now says we should sell off 70m barrells of that reserve, and then try to buy it back later when the prices fall.

He chided McCain for supporting the Cheney Energy Policy....a policy which he himself voted for in 2005 and 2006.

The more he talks and campaigns, the further he falls. As of yesterday, the first official poll came out putting McCain in the lead...which once you add in the fudge factor (people telling pollsters they will vote for Obama but wont) he's now down 10 pts in the polls.

I'm still waiting for an answer from one of my liberal readers......how is ANYONE supporting this tool!!!

Monday, August 04, 2008

John hides in the John..

Now, a (R) senator get's indicted, and the media follow him around for threee days. Larry Craig does his little number, and we follow him for a week....but John Edwards gets busted having an affair, and a baby, while his wife is dying of cancer, and we don't here a word about it on the mainstream media.

Yes, Mr. Perfect has been having a long-term affair while his wife is at home dying of cancer. In fact, he fathered a child with the woman. What little media is trying to dig into this caught Mr. Edwards coming out of a hotel after a recent hook-up. John saw them coming, fled to the basement, and hid in a men's room, and wouldn't come out.

Isn't this the same guys that took shots at Bill O'Reilly for his alleged advances towards an intern?