Friday, October 31, 2008

Your gonna llllaaauuugghhhh......

Those of you that have none me while, and have heard my (and John's) stories from High School, will know that were not the most motivated students growing up. Our last 6-week reporting period were were officially abscent 28 of 30 days (never went to homeroom), and if not for a successful play on the sympathy of our English teacher, we were probably going to have to go to summer school.

So it is with that in mind that I received a letter from Phi Theta Kappa, the two year college version of Phi Beta Kappa. Yeah, that's right, the "international honor society"......and guess what.....they've invited me to join!!!! As most of you know, I've been going to college on line for about two years now, and currently have a 3.8 GPA, which qualifies for me this! What a hoot! And I decided to go ahead an join...what the heck!

My old classmates will be turning over in their graves.


Blogger Rick H said...

Congratulations Rick! What an honor it also shows however that education needs to be evaluated constantly - when I read the bio's of people that have achieved so much in their lives it shows the value of self direction after at least the basics - our minds are wonderful when we take care to find something we are interested in.

So honor on brother and no laughter here just some celebration for you.

Rick H.

8:28 AM  
Blogger Tom B said...

Are you sure it is Phi Theta Kappa and not Delta Tau Chi from Animal House??



3:51 PM  

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