Monday, November 24, 2008

Obama lied to get elected? Wait while I fall down from shock...

Not even in office yet, and Obama and his people are already back-peddling and spinning to explain why they wont be doing what they said they would.

  • Obama said his administration wouldn't beholden to DC lobbyists - But he hired Tom Daschle
  • Obama said he would repeal the Bush tax cuts - But today said that might not happen, he'd have to think about it.
  • Obama said he would invoke a tax cut for "95% of Americans" - But announced today there would be no tax cut in his first financial package
  • Chuck Schumake now admits the Obama programs will likely be 10 times what he first told us
  • Obama spokes-people are now admitting that George Bush inherited a Clinton recession in 2001....why? Because they want to make sure that they can compare Obama's handling of this recesstion to that one. The problem is, he wont have a 9/11 attack on top that, unless Biden was right....and why would Obama not want to compare his handling of the recession to Ronald Reagan's in 1980.....oh wait...that would mean more tax cuts.

You bone-headed sheep that voted this no-nothing loser into office have just doomed us all to something I didn't think was possible. A government and economy WORSE than Jimmy Carter's.

Nice job!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lordy, Lordy....Deana's Fourty.....

Well, not just yet, but we did celebrate it this past Saturday, and celebrate is an understatement.

First of all, it was a surprise party, and Danny (her husband) did manage to pull it off. There were about 40 guests in all, and I everyone had a great time, with a little help from Sam's jello shots, and Donna's Buttery Nipple shots.

I've dropped in a few photos below, but will NOT post them all to protect the not-so-innocent!

The Arrival

The Master Mind

The co-conspirators

Party People

Mom with her first Jello Shot

The Departure......Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

And so it begins.....

Just as Nancy Pelosi promised the most ethical, hard working congress in decades, and them immedialty took days off to go to the sporting events, and didn't get a full work week in for the first 4 months, we now see how the promise of "Change" and "Hope" is going to evolve with Obama.

In regard to his promise to bring new blood to DC, he has tapped some 15 long-term Washington insiders to his cabinet, most served under Bill Clinton, and all have been old school DC for decades.

In regard to his promise to not be beholden to lobbyists...he has appointed a long-time insider, and most recently, Washington lobbyist to his cabinet.

In regard to being ethical and compassionite, he appointed a Chief of Staff who is notorious for being abusive and mean sprited, and appointed an Attorney General who oversaw teh largest amount of pardons to felons ever...including that of Mark Rich, the felon who's wife paid off Bill Clinton.

Yeah..a change is coming....right back to 1974....Carter 2!!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm sorry.....

I am forced to print a correction and an apology for my earlier report of the outcome of poker night.
1st Place in the big game was in fact won by Stacy Smith (Cail), and 2nd Place was won by Kevin Lockly.
I extend my sincere apologies to Stacy...but would also like to point out that this just makes it certain that you can't ask for help from others anymore when we're a big (poker) girl can play all by yourself!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

And the results are in....

In the main event, 8 players battled, the winners...

1st Place - Kevin Lockly

2nd Place - Stacy Smith, how is now longer allowed to ask for help, you are officially a grown up poker player now.

In the second event, we had 9 players, and in the winner take all event, the winner was, that's right....ME!!!!

On side notes, we all noted that there were (2) Ricks (one without a K), (2) Mikes (both with girls named Cindy), (2) Cindy, or Cyndi, or Cyndysssss, and the Sam and Joe we had in attendance were both women.

We did devour most of Sam's chilli, which was actually better after a week or so of fermenting, and we did manager to go through about (3) cases of beer with only about 17 people there, so all in all a great night.

In side news, a few months back, my friend Steve Fowler started working with a new band, their gig was they would tour with national acts, and work with them regionally, kind of like "back-up band for hire"....they had their own tour bus, and would be living the whole "Almost Famous" life. He told me anytime I wanted to go on the road, just to let him know. Well I missed my chance, last night, while playing in Petrosky (sic), MI...his band was joined on stage by Bob Seger, who sat in for a 3 song set. Very cool. Next time he asks, I will have to take him up on his offer.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another Saturday Night.....and I'll get me some money...

It's another poker night at our house tonight, and a chilli dinner too, oh and honeybaked ham...yeah, we're pretty much cleaning out the freezer. It sounds like we'll have about 16 playing tonight, and another 8 or so on lookers. Hopefully we can finish the rest of Sam's (awesome) chilli, and give her back her crock pot.

We have most of the regulars, and some new blood too....hopefully they will fall peacefully and quietly.

I'll post results later!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Another year...another great Brother's Trip....

This year, our annual trek took us to Hot Springs, AR. I know, some of you might think (?) the spa capital of the world?!?! Well it's also a big party town, and a very good/old friend of ours lives there, and is some kind of big wig (as demonstrated by our ability to park ANYWHERE and get away with it).

You know we don't tell too many details, but a few highlights were....

  • An awesome italian dinner that damn near did us all in...and no, we really didn't want the desert
  • Scrapping, Scrapping, Scrapping!!!
  • Pancake races between Mike and sister Edna

We also did the tourist is a pic from the top of the look out tower on Hot Springs mountain....and a pic of the mountain....

Thursday, November 06, 2008

And so it begins......

Today, Prez Elect Obama recieved a message of congratulations from.....Iran -- President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

How great that one of the worst dictators and terrorists in the world thinks we picked the right man!

The silence is deafening....

I'm sure some of my faithful readers have been waiting for my comments about the most recent election out come. Truthfully, I had resigned myself to this outcome, and while I was holding out a bit of hope, I was pretty sure this was the way it was going.

I know this will be the worst Presidency since Jimmy Carter, and after listening to talk radio today, I now why.

A local talk-show host asked any Obama supporter to call in so he could congratulate them, and ask what it is they are most looking foward too. Some of the jewels of wisdome expressed...

  • Capital Gains Tax should be lowered...and when the host pointed out that Obama wants to raise that tax...the caller explained that he disagreed with Obama on this point...the tax should be lowered so the war would see in his mind...Capital Gains is the money we spend on the war Capital war.
  • Once caller said he had no problem with off-shore drilling in Iraq, Turkey, Syria...and thought we should off-shore drill there before we do here....of course none of those countries have a shore to drill off of.
  • On caller, said she was "excited" about 20 times, but couldn't say what she was excited about. When asked about Obama raising Capital Gains tax, she said "good, they should be raised"....then when asked if she could explain what Capitla Gains Tax was...she hung up.

These are the people that elected this chump. And here's the said part, they will re-elect him in 4 years if he takes all my money and gives it to them, so hang on, it's gonna be along ride.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Vote Early...Vote Often...

I wish I could be one of those "get out and vote....doesn't matter who you vote for, just so long as you vote"....but I'm not.
If you're voting for McCain, much like me, I'm sure you would have liked a stronger candidate to vote for, and you probably considered not voting, or voting for a third party candidate. But as this campaign has progressed, and the mask of Obama has been peeled back, you now realize this is a fight for the preservation of America, and any vote not for McCain, is a vote to convert America to a European style Socialist society.
If you're voting for a third party, why not just come by my house and let me kick you in the nuts, then you go home...cause that's about how useful your vote is. Yeah, yeah...I've heard all the noise about "nothing will change if we don't start voting away from the Reps and Dems"...and while I agree to a point....this isn't the election to be making that stand. The damage an Obama presidency will do to this country will make Jimmy Carter look like Ronald Reagan. Pick another time to make your point, but this year, make your vote count AGAINST Obama.
And if you're voting for Obama.....all I can say is why? No experience. No ideas (repeating the word "change" is not a platform). He wants to take from those that have worked hard, and give our money to those who already feed off the government teet. How do you tax me more, and then give it to someone who doesn't pay any taxes? How do you socialize medicine when we've seen how effective it is in Canada and England....if it's so good, why do so many people from those countries come here. He aligns himself with a racist preacher, a convicted felon, a terrorist, a socialist, a PLO spokesperson.....he has lied repeatedly (if you make over $250k, no $200k, no $150k, no $42k....).
"I don't want to punish your success, but I want to spread the wealth, so those behind you have a fair chance".....WELL HOW ABOUT IF THOSE BEHIND ME WORK AS HARD AS I DO!!!!
Truly folks, if Obama wins, is gonna be a long two-years before we can vote out the Dem congress to limit the damage he can do. A very long two years.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Weekend Update...

What a great weekend. Woke up early Saturday, and the wife and I went to have breakfast together about 7am. Then she went off to work, and I spent the day moving the rest of my office, so I'm now 100% back up and running, and out of the spare bedroom.

Sunday we had about 20 folks for for chili and football. When we made the plans, we had no idea we'd having a 77 degree day in early November, but what the hell.

Pam, Sam and Jimmy made the chilli (and alot of it)....we had said we'd do a judging, but we never really did that. I will say I had one bowl of each, and went back for seconds of one....but I'll never tell whos.

We introduced the kids to a new form of gambling, and the grid-board winners were...

1Q - Kelly
2Q - Erik
3Q - Kristen
4Q - Erik

For the Adults...

1st Half - Cyndi
2nd Half - Rick & Pam (pam got $2 of the $25, so she can get use to the Obama tax plan)

It was a very comfortable/casual day, everyone had a good time...there was one incident with the blow-dryer, but I'll let Sam explain that.

On another note, congrats to my wife Pam, who it seems will be the new VP/General Manager for her company. I guess I will see her around March now! She did get a good start...she was in at 6:30am...not that she planned that....I just forgot to reset her alarm clock after the time change.

Today, it's off to the dentist to re-set a crown that got knocked off during my wisdom tooth pull...yeah, the fun never ends.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Obama just doesn't get it...

No Barak, I don't think you're a socialist because you shared your PB&J sandwich with another kid, or because you let someone play with your toys.

I know you're a socialist, because you want to tell me I must share my PB&J, how much I have to share, and who I have to share it with!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

A summary of Barak Obama

  • My Preacher's A Racist - Never heard him say anything
  • My banker's a criminal - I thought everyone got a 1% loan for their $1m house
  • My friend is a terrorist - I was only 8 when he killed people, and think he's sorry
  • My friend the terrorist ISN'T sorry - I didn't know that
  • I toasted a terrorist leader - No, he was just a professor who spoke out on behalf of the PLO
  • I'm not a socialist, I just want to take the money from those that have it, and give it to those who don't
  • I have no executive experience, but I'm ready to be President, Palin only has 8 years of executive experience, she can't be ready to be Vice President.
  • Check my record, I've never voted for or against anything....but I did vote "present"