Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Vote Early...Vote Often...

I wish I could be one of those "get out and vote....doesn't matter who you vote for, just so long as you vote"....but I'm not.
If you're voting for McCain, much like me, I'm sure you would have liked a stronger candidate to vote for, and you probably considered not voting, or voting for a third party candidate. But as this campaign has progressed, and the mask of Obama has been peeled back, you now realize this is a fight for the preservation of America, and any vote not for McCain, is a vote to convert America to a European style Socialist society.
If you're voting for a third party, why not just come by my house and let me kick you in the nuts, then you go home...cause that's about how useful your vote is. Yeah, yeah...I've heard all the noise about "nothing will change if we don't start voting away from the Reps and Dems"...and while I agree to a point....this isn't the election to be making that stand. The damage an Obama presidency will do to this country will make Jimmy Carter look like Ronald Reagan. Pick another time to make your point, but this year, make your vote count AGAINST Obama.
And if you're voting for Obama.....all I can say is why? No experience. No ideas (repeating the word "change" is not a platform). He wants to take from those that have worked hard, and give our money to those who already feed off the government teet. How do you tax me more, and then give it to someone who doesn't pay any taxes? How do you socialize medicine when we've seen how effective it is in Canada and England....if it's so good, why do so many people from those countries come here. He aligns himself with a racist preacher, a convicted felon, a terrorist, a socialist, a PLO spokesperson.....he has lied repeatedly (if you make over $250k, no $200k, no $150k, no $42k....).
"I don't want to punish your success, but I want to spread the wealth, so those behind you have a fair chance".....WELL HOW ABOUT IF THOSE BEHIND ME WORK AS HARD AS I DO!!!!
Truly folks, if Obama wins, is gonna be a long two-years before we can vote out the Dem congress to limit the damage he can do. A very long two years.


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