And you thought YOU had a bad day...

You want to place blame....blame Clinton for allowing our mortages to be used as investment collateral...blame Franks and Dodd for doing nothing to regulate the industry...blame Obama for taking all their money AND for hiring two of the biggest thieves from those business..who now work for HIM!
True words all.
Why did Palin have a problem with the brother-in-law;
Now, as Govenor, if you had information about a cop, making direct threats, public attacks, and tasing a 10 year old boy...wouldn't you think he should be off the job?
By the way, none of the accusations about him that I've made have been denied, in fact, he was suspended for it.
For Pres: Rep
For VP: Dems
For VP: Reps
So you can vote for a totally inexperienced, coke snorting, anti-american and a 4 decade old professional politician
You can vote for someone that has given all for his country in battle, in military service, and in public service, with a breath of fresh air, mainstream woman who lives family values.
Your choice.