Friday, September 26, 2008

And you thought YOU had a bad day...

Phillip Seaton, 61, of Kentucky...went into surgery to have a circumcision to treat a minor infection. When he awoke from surgery, he was informed by the surgeon that "I thought I saw what might have been I removed your penis".........AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!
Might have been cancer? How about before you chop off my manhood, you do a biopsy, or some other test, and be SURE it's cancer!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Just to clear up some sticky points.....

  • Yes, John McCain voted in 1994 to remove the regulatory oversite from the investment banking industry. That was before Pres. Clinton signed a law that allowed those investment banks to use our home mortgages as collateral for investment loans, and for those investment firms to buy them up wholesale from mortgage companies.
  • In 2004, John McCain is on record as saying that the mortgage industry is out of control, and needs to be audited and re-vamped.
  • In 2005, a vote before the finance committee would have returned oversite for the investment banking industry...all dems voted NO, and all Reps voted yes, the dems won, and there was no oversight put in place. At that time, Barney Franks stated "these businesses (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) are solid and in no trouble"
  • Barny Frank, Chris Dodd, and Barak Obama have received more money from these companies than any other Senators....and they are the ones responsbile for congressional oversight of this industry.

You want to place blame....blame Clinton for allowing our mortages to be used as investment collateral...blame Franks and Dodd for doing nothing to regulate the industry...blame Obama for taking all their money AND for hiring two of the biggest thieves from those business..who now work for HIM!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Big F****ING Thank You.....

In the last few days, and in the days to come, you're going to hear Reps and Dems try to blame this latest financial debacle on each other. Well guess what, they are not to blame.

You want to know who is to blame....take a look around your neighborhood. Anyone you know who took out a 3% adjustable rate mortgage to buy a house they couldn't afford otherwise, anyone who took out a 110% mortgage to buy a house they couldn't afford......anyone who who blindly signed loan papers and didn't understand what they were getting themselves into.


Those people, and their ilk. The ones that since the 60s & 70s have decided they are "entitled" to something for nothing. That if they didn't have the brains needed to advance themselves, well then big business and big government should advance them at someone elses expense.

The same people that wanted a tax refund, when they never pay taxes anyway. The same people that want the govt to give them a free cable box so they can get digital TV next year. The same people that don't work, but wont the govt to guarantee them the best medical care available at no cost.

The end of this country is going to be brought about by the lazy, no good, useless class of people that feel the government, and those of us that earn a good living, owe them everything for free, just because they are hear.

And the end will be facilitated by the liberal/socialist democrats like Obama who think it is the governments job to redistribute my wealth to those that produce nothing.

By the way, one number says that this will end up costing each taxpayer $8500 over 5 years. That doesn't sound that bad, but remember.....not all taxpayers pay taxes, a large amount pay nothing, and an even larger amount make nothing, but get "earned income credit" so they still get a refund. So in the end, the bill will be the burden of the working/educated minority, which is getting pretty freakin' tired of footing the bill!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More from the Obama-nation

So you've all heard how we, the US taxpayers, will now have to foot the bill to bail out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and now Lehman Brothers.

One might ask, where were the people running these companies, how much did they make, and where are they now???

Well Jim Johnson was head of Fannie Mae for several years, and also head of Lehman Brothers. All total, he bailed out with about $40m in bonuses.

Harry Raines also worked as the head of Fannie Mae, after heading the Office of Budget Management for Bill Clinton. In his six years, he scored just over $90m in pay.

A Federal Investigation found that both men benefited from improper bookkeeping, designed to artificially inflate the value of these companies, and consequently their own pay. Now when this happened to Enron (friends of the Reps) it was all over the news, and people went to jail. However, in this case, these two leading Democrats have had no action taken against them, and the media isn't talking about it.

Where are they now????????????????

They BOTH work for the OBAMA CAMPAIGN as economic consultants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, when these jokers were in charge, these companies donated millions in campaign contributions....Sen. Chris Dodd (a real tool) received more money from them than any other politician. Wanna guess who was #2???????? Yup....the savior himself....OBAMA

Friday, September 12, 2008

Two More Hits from Joe Biden...

During a campaign speech this week, Sen. Biden was introducing all his friends in the room...and when he got to State Senetor Chuck Graham said..."oh, Chuck Graham his here....Chuck stand up let 'em see ya".........problem is, Chuck Graham has been in a wheel chair for years.....nice job Joe.
And then, after Gov Palin's speech, Biden commented he "heard a very powerful speech from the Lt. Gov of Alaska, and I believe she's going to be very good opponent".....well yeah...except she's the Gov, not the Lt. Gov.....Joey doesn't even know who he's running against.

Politics Suspended for 9/11 Observance

I actually was impressed that both candidates suspend all politics, including ads on 9/11....and giving credit where credit is due, it appears to have been Obama's suggestion.

However, now that it's 9/12....back to politics.....and I'd like to start with an observation about the 9/11 vist by McCain and Obama.

Look at the picture closely....
....notice anything?????
Where's Michelle Obama?
Maybe today wasn't one of the days she was proud of America?!?!?!?

Joe Biden might be the smartest of 'em all....

In recent days, I've come to think that Crazy Joe Biden might be one of the smarter people in politics today. Here are some statements he's made, that I must say are 100% True....

  • Speaking about Obama during the primary..."you know, it's not something you can learn on the job, and he's just not qualified to be President"
  • Talking about McCain a few years back..."I'd be honored to run on a ticket with him."
  • Talking about Hillary and himself..."to be quite honest, she's more qualified to be VP than I am"

True words all.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Dems now officially believe Obama is "The Messiah"...

In a speech on the house floor, TN Rep Steve Cohen compared Obama the Community Organizer to Jesus Christ...and pointed out that both Sarah Palin and Pontius Pilate, the person who killed Jesus, were govenors.

How f**ing stupid does the Dem party have to get before people see what's going on?!?!?!?

I've heard all the Dems yelling at Reps for calling him "the messiah"...well that's how you guys present him....and now the Dems have made it formal on the floor of congress.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Ding dong....

I had to laugh this morning when I read that Olbermann has been dumped as Political Anchor by his own network. He'll still be around to comment, but the circus he ran during the DNC and RNC was just enough to push NBC over the top, and they announced he's being replaced as anchor for the upcoming debates.

Now, I wasn't shocked to learn that Fox News beat the crap out of MSNBC in it's coverage of the Republican convention, but I was shocked (and happy) to learn Fox also beat MSNBC in the ratings for the Dem convention!

Maybe the liberal cool-aid drinkers are waking up.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Palin and "Trooper-gate"

First, let me say I'm tired of everything being attached with "-gate", it's old, let's move on.

Okay, you're all hearing about the allegations about Palin, in short, she is under investigation for allegedly abusing her authority, by firing the head of the State Troopers, because he in turn, would not fire Palin's ex-brother in law, who was a trooper. Sounds pretty bad huh? Well here are some facts that you ARE NOT hearing in the news.....

  • The man fired, has said on record, that he was never told or ordered to fire the trooper in question. He has said that several other people, not Palin, made him feel as if he was on the hot-seat for not firing him.
  • A Palin aide, made a comment that was recorded, in which he said "the gov and her husband can't believe this man still represents the State Troopers" talking about the brother-in-law....he was suspended.
  • The ethics investigation was NOT called for by the man was called for by the State Director of Ethics....who is.......wait for it...wait for it....a DemocRAT
  • Palin has asked for her own investigation, to be expedited...because the DemocRAT doing his investigation has announced he wont release any findings until the week before the election.

Why did Palin have a problem with the brother-in-law;

  • In front of a crowd, he threatened Palin's father, saying he'd make him "eat a bullet"
  • He verbally attacked Palin's daughter (his niece) at a high school football game, in front of dozens of witnesses.

Now, as Govenor, if you had information about a cop, making direct threats, public attacks, and tasing a 10 year old boy...wouldn't you think he should be off the job?

By the way, none of the accusations about him that I've made have been denied, in fact, he was suspended for it.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Lets talk about character......

I wont even talk about the character of those Dems that are attacking a 17 year old girl....that's as low class (as expected) as it gets.

But let's talk about the kind of people we're dealing with...

For Pres: Dem

  • A man who has been in public service less than 8 years, and spent 2 of those campaging
  • A man who has admitted he tries to stay away from white people
  • A man who had his first fundraiser in the home of an admitted terrorist
  • A man who has admitted to doing cocaine
  • A man who has said, if his daughters got pregnant, he'd tell them to kill the baby and not live with the mistake
  • A man who took money from a recently convicted felon
  • A man who removed the US flag from his private jet
  • A man who followed a pastor for 20 years that spewed racist hate and contempt
  • A man who follows the teachings of one of the most profound socialists in history
  • A man who, despite having millions, sends NOTHING to his brother in Africa who is living on $1 a day
  • A man who says on one hand, Bush was wrong for invading Iraq, but then says he'd invade Pakistan (an allie) to get bin Ladin
  • A man who said he would take public funding to cut off lobbyist money, and then changed his mind.
  • A man who said the Surge wouldn't work
  • A man who said Iran is not a real threat
  • A man who said the Russian invasion of Georgia wasn't a big deal

For Pres: Rep

  • A man who served his county with bravery and honor for decades in the Navy
  • A man who has served with honor for years in the federal government
  • A man who has disobeyed his party, when he thought they were going in the wrong direction
  • A man who believes in the sanctity of life
  • A man who has partnered with Libs to get things done in Washington
  • A man who said he would take public funding, and their by cut off lobbyist money, and did.
  • A man who said the surge would work
  • A man who said the Russian invasion of Georgia was going to be a big deal

For VP: Dems

  • A 40 year professional politician
  • Accepts money from lobbyists, who then give his family money too
  • Has said "you can't go into a 7-11 without being Indian"
  • A man who said Obama is a popular candidate because he's "black and clean"
  • A man who said Obama wasn't ready for the job, when it suited him, but now thinks it's okay, so long as he gets to be VP

For VP: Reps

  • A woman who has brought up 5 children
  • A woman who's son is heading off to war
  • A woman who's husband is an average working guy
  • A woman who is making her daughter live up to the baby she's created, and not just killing it for convenience
  • A woman who told the Senate "no" on the earmarked "bridge to no where"
  • A woman who has served...full time....for over 10 years (without running for another office)

So you can vote for a totally inexperienced, coke snorting, anti-american and a 4 decade old professional politician


You can vote for someone that has given all for his country in battle, in military service, and in public service, with a breath of fresh air, mainstream woman who lives family values.

Your choice.

The experienced half of the Obama bin Biden ticket

Joe Biden

Was lobbied by a big law firm (Simmons Cooper) to get new legislation passed that would benefit their firm. After much lobbying, Biden voted on their behalf.

Shortly there after, SimmonsCooper, loaned Biden's brother and son $12m to start a new company.

They also farmed out dozens of cases to Biden's other son's law firm, to handle in Delware...cha-ching.

Oh, and aside from just "lobbying" Simmons Cooper's employees have donated in excess of $250k to the Biden campaigns.

Yup....I see the change coming....NOT