Wednesday, April 30, 2008

From the mouths of liberal babies....

I wonder if any of my liberal Dem readers watched the episode of Boston Legal last tonite.

I must say I was very proud. While I always enjoy the show, they to often take a VERY liberal bent, and are openly pro-Democrat.

But tonite they did a story that shed a little light on a Dem secret.

Want to know what it is?!?!?!!? If you vote Dem in the primaries......YOUR VOTE DOESN'T COUNT!!!!

See, your delegates are not bound to vote for the same candidate that was selected by their constituency. Doesn't matter how many of you voted for Obama, ALL the delegates, regular and super, can March into the DNC Convention, and vote for whomever they want.

Makes you wonder why you guys get so pissy when you think a hanging-chad didn't go your way!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Screw the socks in the dryer mystery....

I want this one do your laundry...all of it...and everything is hung up and put away.

Then, like people do, you wear clothes, taking them off the hanger....and if you're like me, you leave the hanger on the rod in the closet.

Then, a week or so later, you do laundry again. You gather all those hangers left hanging empty in the closet, and you start hanging your clean clothes.

Now the questions....why is that even though they all came off a hanger, and you have gathered all those hangers, do you now have more clothes than you have hangers. is it that the last time you did laundry, you clearly had all the right kind of hangers...but NOW you have too many shirt hangers, and not enough trouser hangers....some of them have magically transformed in your closet.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

And the winner is......

I know we live in a 24 hour a day world, where people expect immediate gratification.

But this is too much.
18 minutes after the polls closed in Pennsylvania, MSNBC put up a headline on their website...."Race Too Close To Call".....

Really, you mean after 18 WHOLE MINUTES you can't tell me who won?!?!?!?!?

I mean come on, how much time do you need, a half-hour?!?!?!!?

What's really sad is that it warrants a headline to tell us they don't have instant results. That we might just have to wait for the votes to actually be counted, before they can tell us who won!

It should be noted here that CBS had no problem declaring Al Gore the winner in Florida after less than ten minutes...and we all know how well that worked out!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What a great day to live in Mississippi....

Just when I think things can't get more out of hand in Memphis, like the Mayor resigining NOT!

Yesterday day was a varitable cornikp...ah...Kurnoc....wait...cronaco....hell, a lot of stuff happened....

The Mayor announced that, despite nearly $70m in cash reserves, he needed another 17% property tax increase to fund a budget which cut out 5 libraries and 4 community centers. It also adds 500 new cops, however thanks to city council, they must live within the city limits. What he didn't cut was the raises he already gave his staff, the 200+ newly appointed positions he has created, HIS OWN RAISE, the gifts to LeMoyne Owen, or dozens of other special interest gifts.

The mayor put it straight..."the peoples needs to just accept that taxes are going up and services are going down"....he blames it on the economy.


What about the first 14 years of his reign, when the economy was going gang busters, and yet in Memphis, services went down and taxes went up.

In a side story, the School Board no-showed for the City Council meeting to explain how they spend the $100m the city gives them.

Now you guys in the county may think this last little bit doesn't affect you, but just wait. When this little pissing match escalates, and the city pulls it's $100m from the schools (which it can do), then they will come back to the county for the money. And the county will then have to raise that money, but not just the $100m, but $150m, because they have to match 50% to the county schools.
On final note, a recent survey of sales in my neighborhood show that, despite the current housing market, my home is up 15% of the original purchase price, and I pay less than 1/2 the property taxes for twice as much house, and 5x as much land.
Oh, and when I call for the police, they actually show up.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Alicia "Sour Note" Keyes....

In the recent edition of "Blender" magazine, the R&B singer Alicia Keyes drops a couple of pearls of wisdom....

The first thing is that Gangsta Rap music was NOT created by Hip-Hop artists. It was created by the government in an effort to trick blacks into joining gangs and killing each other!

Her other nugget, that the east coast/west coast war that resulted in the deaths of Biggie Smalls and Tupac was created by the media and government. Why? Because they wanted to stop two great black leaders.

Don't worry though, she's read alot of books about the Blank Panthers, and Huey Newton, and she plans to use her position as singer/artist to re-start the radical black movement, only this time, she's going world wide.

I wonder how many of her "people" in other parts of the world, like Somalia, Sudan, Darfur...will be able to pay $100 per seat to come see hear preach?

It ain't Daddy's Knows Best...

Joseph Mantanares of Commerce City was recently arrested for being a public nusiance, and assult. See, it seems Joey showed up at his girlfriends work, and they got into a major argument, then began tearing up the place and assualting her.

The police arrived, arrest Joey, and took him away. When interviewed, the girlfriend confirmed they were in a domestic dispute.'s like this....Joey is Mexican, and he's in the gang Westside Ballers.....Chica is Black, and she's been a Crip from back in the day. So what's the fight about??????

They blew up over which gang their 4 YEAR OLD SON WILL JOIN!!!!!
Well, I guess it's my fault, I have been saying for years that parents should be more involved in their kids you go.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Barrack Hussein Obama

So, back on April 6th, Barry here made the following comment...."Americans are clinging to guns, religion and anti-immigration sentiment because they are bitter about Washington’s unfulfilled economic promises."


How about I own guns, and practice my religion because it is my right to do so. And I push for anti-immigration laws because I want my country protected, both physically and financially, from being taken over and drained by those the would freely violate my laws and my beliefs.

What this really comes down to, my precious few readers, is a brief glimpse inside the true beliefs of Hussein.

He doesn't belive in the constitution, and he doesn't believe in this country. Were he to be given full authority, he would throw away all our constitutional rights, and subrogate the leadership of this country to the United our borders to any and all aliens....redistribute the wealth of our country evenly to all, despite your level of input (or lack there of) into our economy, and end what we now know as the USA.

If I'm clinging to my constitutional rights to bear arms, freedom of religion, and expecting the government to protect my borders........and Obama thinks that is wrong......what does HE cling to?

Friday, April 11, 2008

And the lying continues

I am rolling on the floor a recent speech, Bill Clinton decided to defend Hillary's Sniper-Gate comments. In short, he said the media was blowing out of porption..."one time, late at night when Hillary was exhausted, and she immediatly apologized, when she spoke about her trip to Bosnia in 1995".........Bill Bill really should shut the F up! In one sentance you lied 4 times and was stupid once...
  • "one time" - No, she repeated the story several times
  • "late at night" - No, it was early St. Patricks Day morning, she was all decked out in her green shamrock scarf
  • "when Hillary was exhausted" - She couldn't have been too exhausted, she marched in the St. Pat's parade right after.
  • "and immediatly apologized" - She never apologized...she did repeat the story several times, and then a week later, admitted she might have been confused
  • "Bosnia in 1995" - was 1996
I guess you could say the media IS attacking her.....but you know Bill...that all depends on what your definition of "Is" is!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thoughts for the day....

Courtesy of my pal Tom.....

  • If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea….does that mean that 1 out of 5 enjoys it?

  • Why do croutons come in airtight packages…isn’t it stale bread to begin with?

  • If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes?

  • If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?

  • Why is a person who plays the piano called a pianist, but a person who drives a racecar is not called a racist?

  • Do Lipton Tea employees take 'coffee breaks?'

  • What hair color do they put on the driver's licenses of bald men?

  • In America we use tiny little spoons and forks to feed babies….so in China do they feed babies with toothpicks?

  • Is it true that you never really learn to swear until you learn to drive?

  • If a cow laughed, would milk come out of her nose?

  • Whatever happened to Preparations A through G?

  • When you put the two words 'The' and 'IRS' together, it spells 'THEIRS?'

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

We're #2....We're #2

I was really going to leave this one alone, but there's just too much BS going around to leave this alone.

This past Monday....the Kansas JayHawks skinned the Univerity of Memphis State University tigers on national tv....

Like I said, I would have left this alone, but in the 2 days that have past since then, we've been baraged by excuses and reasons why they didn't lose, but were robbed. Some of my favorites....

  • We fouled that guy before he passed, and the ref didn't call it

  • We were fouled, and they didn't call it, and the clock should have been stopped

  • Coach Cal tried to call a time out, but they didn't call it

Here's the deal people.......when my Patriots lost, I was the first to say...."we gave it away....we only played 55 minutes of the game..and gave up in the last 5"

Now it's your turn Tiger lost because you blew a 9 point lead with 2 minutes to go because you didn't shoot well, you didn't manage the clock, and you didn't have a game plan in the last two minutes. Then in overtime, you just quit.

Take it from someone who one will remember you had more wins than any other team in NCAA history, no one will remember you only had 1 regular season loss......all they will remember is Kansas is the 2008 Champion...and some other team chokec.

It may be the end of the world.....

One of the signs of the apocolypse.......yesterday the DemocRATS actually said something during the Armed Services hearings that I had to agree with....and it pains me to agree with them. However, while we are pumping in billions of dollars to Iraq, they are sitting on a $66billion surplus in their govt. This even after they subsidize the Iraq people's gas, so they are only paying about $1 per gallon. Oh, and our military vehicles that gas up in Iraq? $3.50!
So the Dems want any future funding to be drafted as a Reconstruction Loan, and to be paid back by Iraq..........and much to my dismay.......I agree with the Dems.

Monday, April 07, 2008

This guy ain't no Woodward & Bernstein....

I saw this article posted on today. It shouldn't be noted that I have stopped using MSNBC as my home-page on multiple occasions for stupidity, but end up going back because it's web-designers (unlike it's reporters) have done a great job, and I haven't found another news website that gives me Iraqi bombs, winning lottery numbers, and my horoscope so nicely laid out on one page.

On the is the article....

DETROIT - A 3-year-old girl found a gun in a bedroom of her home and shot herself in the head Sunday, police said.

One of the girl's parents apparently owned the gun, and at least one parent was home when she shot herself Sunday afternoon. Police questioned the parents and took the gun, the Detroit Free Press reported.

The girl was taken to Sinai Grace Hospital, then transferred to Children's Hospital of Michigan. The Detroit News reported she was in critical condition.

My problem is the opening line of the second paragraph.."One of the girl's parents apparently owned the gun"....slow down there skippy. How do you know it wasn't the three-year old's? I know I've wandered into the local Bass Pro Shop, and seen the odd infant checking out the Glocks in the firearms section. I think you need to launch one of of those hidden camera investigations with Brian Williams, before you go off spouting ASSUMPTIONS that the gun belonged to one of the adults, and not the infant. You never know, Junior Mint might have been strapped!

Although, I do admire your journalistic did say "apparently owned"....nice move not going out on a limb too far there!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Once a Clinton....always a lair....

"...I remember landing in Bosnia, and having to run with my head down from the plane to the car....." NO, you walked slowly, hugging kids for your photo ops, and took your own sweet time.

"....stories like the pregnant woman, who didn't have insurance, and was turned away at the hospital in OH, and then later died..." NO, she was treated, the baby was still born, and she died later from complications, after again being treated. She was NEVER refused treatment.

" mother named me after Sir Edmond Hillary..." NO, Edmond Hillary did become famous until 5 years after you were born.

(to some Boston High School soccor players) "...I know about racial hatered, when I played soccor in High School, a player on the other team told me she hated me....just because of my race" NO, a quick check shows that your high school didn't have a girls soccor team the years you attended.

"Chelsea was jogging down to the World Trade towers that morning, and saw the impact, and herself was in great danger"....No, according to your daughter, she was on the other side of town asleep, and didn't know about the attacks until someone called her and woke her up.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Myth Vs. Fact

Today I heard one of Hillary's speeches, in which she stated..."this is the first president in 200 years that has left the country worse off then when he took office"....REALLY???

Fact: Prez Carter destroyed the economy, and left hostages in Iran
Fact: Kennedy and Johnson left us with Vietnam
Fact: Clinton left us with bin Laden...despite TWO chances to take him out

Friday, April 04, 2008

Misc thoughts.....

  • Michel Jarraud, head of the WMO (The UN weather watchdog) says that they predict the la nina currently in effect will continue through the summer, and as such, they further predict that the global temperature will NOT HAVE RISEN IN 10 YEARS!!!!!!! Someone better get a memo to Al Gore and Ted Turner quick!
  • Jaguars back Brian Williams recently was arrested for DUI, and spewed forth a racist, foul mouthed tirad, and at one point said he was going to f**k the officer's daughter.....of course Williams is black, so I don't expect any of those folks that lined up Mel Gibson in front of a firing squad will have one word to say.
  • So far this election season, the Secrect Service protection bill, to me and you, is at $85.3 million dollars.....what makes it worse, that's only for two candidates....and you guessed it....Obama and Clinton. Clinton already had SS protection as a former first lady...but requested and INCREASE in protection during the campaign. Sen. McCain...he said he'd pass until the election is over.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

DemocRATs are insane....

So let me get this straight, back in 2000, the Dems wanted to go to war because supposedly the election has "handed" to Bush by the Surpreme Court....they were outraged that Gore won the popular vote, but Bush was electred Prez.

Now, from what I'm told, Obama can win the popular vote, and the public electoral vote....but in the end, the nominee will be decided by "SuperDelegates"....which are all those Jimmy Carter types.

How come it was a "crime" in 2000 to ignore the popular vote....but it's ok in 2008?