From the mouths of liberal babies....

The first thing is that Gangsta Rap music was NOT created by Hip-Hop artists. It was created by the government in an effort to trick blacks into joining gangs and killing each other!
Her other nugget, that the east coast/west coast war that resulted in the deaths of Biggie Smalls and Tupac was created by the media and government. Why? Because they wanted to stop two great black leaders.
Don't worry though, she's read alot of books about the Blank Panthers, and Huey Newton, and she plans to use her position as singer/artist to re-start the radical black movement, only this time, she's going world wide.
I wonder how many of her "people" in other parts of the world, like Somalia, Sudan, Darfur...will be able to pay $100 per seat to come see hear preach?
Courtesy of my pal Tom.....
Here's the deal people.......when my Patriots lost, I was the first to say...."we gave it away....we only played 55 minutes of the game..and gave up in the last 5"
Now it's your turn Tiger lost because you blew a 9 point lead with 2 minutes to go because you didn't shoot well, you didn't manage the clock, and you didn't have a game plan in the last two minutes. Then in overtime, you just quit.
Take it from someone who one will remember you had more wins than any other team in NCAA history, no one will remember you only had 1 regular season loss......all they will remember is Kansas is the 2008 Champion...and some other team chokec.