Saturday, June 28, 2008

Chuck Norris has no chin under his beard....

...only another fist!

So I was on the road all week with my new BFF, A-had, and he turned me onto some new wisdom about super hero Chuck Norris. Then low-and-behold, when I'm watching Family Guy....there's this other new fact about Chuck Norris.....where is all this wisdom, well you can find HUNDREDS of CN facts at

I've listed a few of my favs here:

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Barack the Magic Negro....

My fingers are going to get tired of typing the bullshit this guy pours here's the short version of the latest...

1. Said he will accept Public Funding if the Republican Nominee does, so when McCain does accept it, Obama changes his mind, and now will go for the more lucrative private funding. Why? He says the public funding system is broken....well it's the exact same system as it was when you lied and made your promise BHO!

2. I will debate John McCain anywhere, anytime, and in any format! But now, not in a town hall meeting, not with questions from the public, and apparently not on any day that ends in "Y"!

add those to:

  • Minister Wright
  • Fr. Flagler
  • Rezko
  • Myers
  • His white hating comments in his book
  • His lies about voting against the Iraq war
  • That he is the most abscent Senetor in congress, and when he is there, he only votes "present" rather than going on the record on ANYTHING!

I'll ask again, who the hell is voting for this guy!!!

As I side note: I will traveling this week, and will try to post while I'm away.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Who is REALLY taking your Social Security?

FDR (Democrat) - Created Social Security, however to his credit, his original contract with America promised....

  1. That participation in the Program would be Completely voluntary

  2. That the participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of their annual Incomes into the Program

  3. That the money the participants elected to put Into the Program would be deductible from Their income for tax purposes each year

  4. That the money the participants put into the Independent 'Trust Fund' rather than into the General operating fund, and therefore, would Only be used to fund the Social Security Retirement Program, and no other Government program

  5. That the annuity payments to the retirees would never be taxed as income.

So what happened????

  • 1963 - Lyndon Johnson (D) and the Dem controlled house and senate moved the funds out of the trust fund, into the general fund, so congress could direct the usage of those funds.

  • 1970s - Jimmy Carter (D) and the Dem controlled congress voted to start giving payements to illegal immigrants that never paid into the system.

  • 1990s - Bill Clinton (D) and the Demcratic House, and Republican Senate, voted to start taxing 85% of the social security payments being received. Though the Senate was republican, the initial vote ended up in a tie. The tie breaking vote came from Al Gore (D), allowing it to be sent to Bill for signing.

So after inventing it in the 30s, spending it starting the 60s, giving it away in the 70s, and taxing it in the the Dems want you to belive it is the Republicans that are killing Social Security.

Wake up America!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mother Russia...once again leads the way in art....

MOSCOW - A monument to the enema, a procedure many people would rather not think about, has been unveiled at a spa in the southern Russian city of Zheleznovodsk.
The bronze syringe bulb, which weighs 800 pounds and is held by three angels, was unveiled at the Mashuk-Akva Term spa, the spa's director said Thursday.
"There is no kitsch or obscenity, it is a successful work of art," Alexander Kharchenko told The Associated Press. "An enema is almost a symbol of our region."
The Caucasus Mountains region is known for dozens of spas where enemas with water from mineral springs are routinely administered to treat digestive and other complaints.
Kharchenko, 50, said the monument cost $42,000 and was installed in a square in front of his spa on Wednesday. A banner declaring: "Let's beat constipation and sloppiness with enemas" — an allusion to a line from "The Twelve Chairs," a famous Soviet film comedy — was posted on one of the spa's walls.
Sculptor Svetlana Avakina said she designed the 5-foot-high monument with "irony and humor" and modeled the angels on those in works by Italian Renaissance painter Alessandro Botticelli.
"This device is eternal, it will never change," she told the AP. "We could promote this brand, turn it into a franchise with souvenirs and awards for medical doctors."
Dozens of monuments dedicated to characters from tall tales and popular jokes have been erected in post-Soviet Russia.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Oh What a (poker) Night.....

Yeah, it was another land-mark evening of poker at the house. The players totalled about 12, and the on lookers made up another 5 or 6.

There was great discussion between my wife and I before hand that it didn't look like I had enough food.....

  • Cheese and Sausage Plate
  • Veggie Plate
  • (2) large Pancho's Cheese Dip
  • 4lb tray of Gary's Buffalo Chicken Dip
  • 3lbs of M&Ms
  • Large jar peanuts
  • (6) dozen chicken wings
  • And (4) cases of beer (actually 5 when you count what guest brought)

Well, I must apologize to my was ALL GONE!!!!!!!! First the bud light, then the miller lite, and by the end of the night, I was forced to sit pool side sipping on a Coor's Light....ugh!

Of course, 20 folks eating and drinking for the better part of (5) hours, that's gonna happen.

On to the highlights:

  • In the big game ($50 buy in) 1st Place-Rick, 2nd Place-Mike, 3rd Place-Kevin
  • In the 1st mini game ($20 buy in) 1st Place- Jen, no sure who came in second
  • In the 2nd mini-game ($20 buy in) 1st Place-Kevin, 2nd Place-Rick

Sidenote....My total winnings, minus buy-ins, minus splitting my winnings with my wife, minus the cost of food (because Pam get's the 10% to the house, and I paid for the food) I think I'm down about $75....sounds about right.

Onward....I don't want to call these "low-lights"....but let's just refer to them as "the things that made us go....hhmmmmm"

  • Brother Dan had his wisdom tooth extracted late on Friday...he was told to start back on clear liquids, then heavy liquids, and so on. Apparently in Danny's world, Miller Lite is a "heavy" liquid.
  • From now on, when Jen can't find her money...check her boobs. It was funny when she lost her $10 the first time....but later on...when she lost her winnings from the 2nd game...and yeah they were in the same place....I'm thinking "mad cow disease"
  • John...I don't care what you say, but a palm tree shirt, plaid shorts, and loafers (no socks) is not the "hip look" all the kids are wearing. I swear he looked like one of those guys selling Maps to the Stars in Hollywood.
  • Jen & Gary, I have (3) bathrooms in my house, pick one. And if you're going to co-habitat in one, don't pick the one with 10 people waiting just outside in the kitchen.
  • Stacie, if you're gonna get weird about Gary and Jen in a bathroom're in for a long bumpy ride.

No bloodshed, no cops.....all in all, a grand evening......let's do it again next month!!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008 insanity....

How does Keith Olbermann even pretend to be a journalist? He only invites guests that agree with his twisted views, he never brings on anyone from the Republican side of the house, never attempts to present "two sides" or a "balanced" view. He is so clearly in the bag for Obama, he went after other libs like Katie Couric for saying that Hillary wasn't getting a fair shake.

When left wing liberal websites decree that Fox News provided the MOST balanced coverage of the primaries, Olbermann should be really worried.

Well now he's all in a twit because Fox referred to Michelle Obama as "Obama's baby's Mama".....well isn't she?

He can call Bush a terrorist and a liar, call McCain old and senial, and do the Nazi salute on national TV wearing a O'Reilly mask....but you better not make any sideways comments about Obama.

He is so in the bag, he just needs to marry the Obama-Girl, and start his own little fan club.

I also think it's funny that, even during a week of O'Reilly re-runs, Olbermann only pulled about half as many people. But he was all excited when the ratings came out and showed he beat CNBC in that timeslot.....we're number 5! we're number 5!

Keith are..."the Worst Person in the World"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How much more Bulls**t do we have to swallow...

Every other day I hear another story about Barak, and I just shake my head as to how ANYONE can support this guy.

First was his wing nut minister, who he said that although he had been going to that church for 20+ years, Barak never heard the man say an ugly word....then when the heat got turned up....he quit the church (it should be noted that Oprah quit the same church 7 years earlier because she apparently could hear the racist remarks being made by the preacher)

Then the replacement minister...who was a racist of his own, but Barak didn't now he was a flake either.

Then his association with the US terrorist Myers....but Barak didn't really know him that well...although he did attend fundraisers at Myers house.

Then there's the fella Rezko, who over the course of a few years donated money and land to Obama in the amount of about $400k....Obama first said he didn't really know him either, that he just asked his opinion on a land deal...but when the heat got turned up, he admitted the land deal was a mistake, and then donated the money he got from Rezko to charity.

Now we have Jim Johnson. Obama railed about Countrywide Mortgage as being one of the major causes of the housing credit crash, and called out the CEO by name like he was a criminal. However, he didn't have any trouble hiring Johnson, who had received multiple sweetheart deals from the same CEO. Again, at first Obama said he Johnson didn't work for him, but now...with the heat on...Johnson has "resigned"....well if he didn't work for Obama...what is he resigning from?

We also have all the little tidbits from his he stopped telling folks his mom was white, how he was afraid people would think him too he used dope and cocaine, but didn't use heroine...why???...because he didn't like the dealer....not because it was illegal or immoral or anything.

He also keeps claiming that he didn't vote for the war in Iraq like McCain...well no you didn't, because at the time you were a State Senator, and wouldn't have any reason to vote on a federal issue, nor did you have access to the intel available at the time.

When you compare what little substance he has advanced on his policies...they are straight out of the socialist 60s...a decade we don't want to repeat, and policies that failed then.

In the end, Obama is a big fat zero of a leader, a liar who bails on his friends when things get too hot, and offers nothing more than 50 year old policies.

If he were Prez...I wonder if he would cut and run when the heat got turned up on him there, just like he has done over and over again during the campaign.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Man jumps from plane without parachute...and dies...imagine that!

Sloan Carafello was a normal guy. A normal guy who at 30 rode a bike everywhere he went. A normal guy who carried a spiral bound notebook that he would stop and write in, secretly, every 10 mintes. A normal guy who, regardless of how hot or cold it was, wore the same blue windbreaker every day for years. A normal guy who told his co-workers he was joining the Army or the CIA. A normal guy who often asked co-workers..."if you had to die, would you rather jump of a tall building, or jump out of an airplane without a parachute?" Well I guess we know what he decided.

Sloan showed up asking to ride along with group of jumpers, so he could take arial pictures for a class project. After the 3rd buy cleared the door, old Sloan jumped up, and followed 'em out....sans parachute. Albany police have reported that Sloan apparently continued to snap photos all the way down....right up until he hit the house.

Yeah, there was no way anyone could have seen that coming.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Bad News for Samantha....

General Motors announced yesterday that it was shutting down four of it's production facilities in response to slowing car and truck sales.

They also announced that they are "taking a look" at the Hummer line, and may "re-tool" the line, or discontinue it altogether.

Sorry Sam, but you better hurry if you are going to get your flame painted H2

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

You can't make this s**t up folks....

There is a new hot drug being used in the NYC Clubs. What is it you ask...not some hot new designer drug from Europe, or some new clique drug from Asia........nope, it's good old Preperation H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, you read's the deal. PH works (for it's intended purpose) by shrinking blood vessels around swollen tissue (I wont get more descriptive than that).

Well some geniuses in NYC decided that if it will shrink that might shrink other tissue. So, these men-about-town slather themselves in the ab and chest region, in the hopes that the cream will shrink up their loose fat tissue, and give them that 6-pack ab look!

Again, I couldn't make this up.

Instead of putting down the donut......these tools are smearing ass-cream from chin to belly-button.......I truly weep for the future.

Monday, June 02, 2008

God Bless America? God da....oh wait, can you write me a check first....

So, Jeremiah Wright is so pissed off at America, that he curses it, rails against, refers to the goverment as corrupt and racist....BUT...will take $15,000,000 from it!!!

Oh yeah, in the last 15 years, the man who has no use for the American Government had no problem in finding away to over look our attrocities, and take $15m in grants.

What makes this even more ridiculous, is that the money, as I said, came in the form of grants, which gives the ever so hypocritical reverend the ability to basically spend the money as he sees fit without ever accouting for it, or repaying it.

Keep in mind, this is the Rev. getting YOUR $15m.....who just received a $1.6m "retirement home" at no cost to him from the same church! Don't think for a minute that some of YOUR tax dollars didn't end up adding a toliet or two.

And what does Barak say? Well, just like the hate filled sermons, he claims he doesn't have any knowledge or was not involved in the grants the church received. What's funny, Obama made a point of telling Fox News he had nothing to do with the grants.....problem was...Fox News hadn't asked him yet. He just heard Fox was looking into the story, so he thought he'd jump in and proclaim his innocence. Now folks, when you walk into a room with 3 small kids and a broken lamp, the guilty party is ALWAYS the first kid who says "wasn't me" before you even ask. Same goes here.

To all you Hussein lover's out do you justify this guy? Wright, Myers, Flager...$15m to his church, the infamous quotes from his own book, and the fact that he has spent his entire 4 years in Washington campaigning for president.....really, what makes him qualified to be Prez....oh wait, he's black, good looking, and speaks well....there you go.