Friday, October 31, 2008

Your gonna llllaaauuugghhhh......

Those of you that have none me while, and have heard my (and John's) stories from High School, will know that were not the most motivated students growing up. Our last 6-week reporting period were were officially abscent 28 of 30 days (never went to homeroom), and if not for a successful play on the sympathy of our English teacher, we were probably going to have to go to summer school.

So it is with that in mind that I received a letter from Phi Theta Kappa, the two year college version of Phi Beta Kappa. Yeah, that's right, the "international honor society"......and guess what.....they've invited me to join!!!! As most of you know, I've been going to college on line for about two years now, and currently have a 3.8 GPA, which qualifies for me this! What a hoot! And I decided to go ahead an join...what the heck!

My old classmates will be turning over in their graves.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Screw the tooth fairy....

As some of you know, I had oral surgery Friday to remove two wisdome teeth, and a troublesome molar. I've actually had a tooth removed before by the same doctor, and had ZERO trouble, so I wasn't nervous at all....that might have been my downfall.

First, as usual, because of my size, they don't like to put me as "deep" under as most patients for fear of losing my airway. The same thing last time, no big deal.

Things seemed different right from the start when they began doing all kinds of things that I don't remember them doing last time. When I asked, they told me that Vericet (sic) has a reverse memory loss affect, and I wont remember any of this either...guess what...I do.

Then there was about 15 minutes of trying to get an IV started, and again, I've been stuck so many times, this doesn't bother me. Finally a vein, and shot...and I drifted off thinking "cool, when I wake up, this will all be done".....NOT

The first wisdom took almost an hour to get out, and they had just started working on the molar when I woke up and said "hi"! They gave me a little (they said) more pain stuff, but nothing to put me to sleep, and when they started on the molar again, I had to protest, as I could feel everything. The doc explained he couldn't give me any more seditive, and they could either try to numb me up more, or stop and come back. He said he had already begun to excise the molar, and didn't think it would take much more. So I told him to load me up, and let's go. No one heard him tell them to put me back on the Nitros gas, so I didn't even have that. Short story, I had the molar pulled while I was awake, and basically had novacaine, and that' s it.

Now the really good news.....they aren't done. They never got to the second wisdom tooth, so I have to go back for that...AND they knocked off a crown, so I have to get that redone.

On the truly good news....Oxycodone is awesome stuff....and I've been vegging all weekend. Today will be all football, and then tomorrow back to the grind-stone.

The bid news this week is because of my awesome neighbors tiling my office for me while I was on vacation, and Pam being bored while i was wacked out on Oxy, and moving alot of my stuff...I should be back in my regular office digs by the end of the week!

The next weekend is the Cowboys party with Chilli Cookoff on Sunday...right now it's between Pam, Jimmy, and Sam....haven't decided how we will cast votes yet, but we'll figure it out.

Then the brother's trip, then poker night, then Thanksgiving...and damn if it isn't already December!!!!!

Maybe Gary's yard sign wasn't that hideous after all.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama lies real shock

More Obama lies...

He said he did not "kick off" his campaign in Bill Ayers living room...well, I guess you could say that's true...he did officially announce in a coffee shop...then two days later let Bill Ayers host his first fundraiser in Ayers' living room.

He used to say he didn't think Ayers was relevant because this all happened "when I was 8 years old"...but now says it's not important becuase Ayers was "rehabilitated".....rehabilitated?

9/12/01 - Ayers..."I wish I had bombed more"
2002 - Ayers..."I'm still an anarchist", "I'm still a marxist", "If I don't think laws are right, I ignore them", "(is bombing) one of those things I it's not"

Since Obama's oath says he will uphold the laws of the land, and Ayers seems to know what laws are right and wrong, maybe Obama will make him Attorney General!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A few more vaca your hearts out.....

Sunrise from our balcony

Rick, Shaina (daytime bartender) and Mike

Kathleen's foot....not realy sure why, you'll have to ask Pam

Kathleen and Pam

Big Rick....and the air's just right for drinking!

Kathleen and scores are not going as well as hoped

Scotty, Pam and John Farley

Anna and CJ......very cool people!

View from our balcony

CJ giving me the official "that's one whole case gone" thumbs-up

Monday, October 20, 2008

It's Mental Warfare...

Admit it, in the past few days, you've been saying how glad you are that gas has dropped below $2.50 a gallon......and that means "they" are winning.....

The have brainwashed us to make us HAPPY to pay ONLY $2.50 a gallon.

Here's a question....when oil was $150 a barrel, gas was around $4.00 a it's at $70....or 47% of it's high....shouldn't we then be paying 47% of $4.00 a gallon...or about $1.86 a gallon?!?!?!?!??!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

And it ain't even Sunday....

What a great weekend so far......

Friday, my wife and I partied hard until 8pm...then we both did shots of Nyquil, and off to bed....I know, sounds lame, but if any of you have ever heard about my vacation, you have to know that between Ft. Lauderdale and the ADT sales Kick off, you know I'm coming off of a 12 day binge, and it was good to rest. Slept until about 0830, and was greatly productive the pool closed, painted the new office, and felt really good about ourselves.

Then tonight we had a challenge, we planned an outing with our great neighbors Jimmy and Denise, but also had invites to meet Danny, Deana and Sam out for cocktails. We opted for dinner, then we'd go meet DD&S....but dinner was SSSOOOO good (Carrabas) that we were all stuffed, so we took the easy road, and went to our bar in Olive Branch for night caps. Only to find out the Danny/Deana/Sam crew were rocking hard in East Memphis....last I heard it was karaoke and buckets for everyone. Maybe I'm too old to hang with the big dogs.

Oh well, tomorrow we're off to Jackson to unload my van (at my asking price) then Monday Jimmy and I start working out....of course after work out, we're going to the bar to watch the last part of the Pats/Broncos game.


Slow The "F" Down People!

This terribly disturbing sign is on display in my brother's front yard. As you can see, it's counting down to Christmas...days...days...hours...minutes...........CHRISTMAS.....what about halloween, Thanksgiving.....why are we in such a rush to get to Christmas!!!!!

Today in Home Depot, I overhead a couple ask "where are the halloween decorations" to a friendly attendent.....who promptly replied "we took those down weeks ago, but Christmas will be up tomorrow".....WTF??????

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The worst part of vacation....coming home!

Well, vacation is over again...but MAN what a blast. I've included a few pics below, but some other highlights....

-Being asked by the bartender if I had ever drank a case of beer BEFORE and still looked sober enough that he'd let me drive him home....I said yes

-Pam telling me she had "freezer burn" after chugging her frozen mudslide a bit too fast....had to point out, it's "brain freeze" not "freezer burn"

-Having the hotel owner tell the front desk we can check out whenever we want, and don't ever give us a hard time again..."they are family"

Pam...before the "freezer burn"

Pam and her favortie bartender know you're loved when bartenders come from OTHER bars to visit you at the one you're at.

The Tiki Bar...poolside....10' away from the beach

Pam...deep in Island Time

View from my bar stool!

There are more than just bar pics, but those are still on Pam's camera, these are just the ones I took with my BlackBerry....more later.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Later Biyatches!

Just got home from kick-off, and in 12 short...nay 11 short hours, I will be on a plane headed south....where the water's warm, the drinks are cold, and I don't know the names of the players!

In the words of Jimmy Buffett...there weather's here....wish you were beautiful!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The truth's You Wont Hear....

These videos speak to alot of what has brought the financial crisis to where it is, but there are some other highlihgts...the second one is longer, but worth watching.

1974 - Dems vote in laws that REQUIRE mortgage banks to give more loans to low income families, or face penalties
1993/1994 - Dems increase this excercise in socialism, but allowing banks to begin trading mortgages as part of securities
Since 2001, the Republicans have been trying to reign in all this, and the Dems have blocked it at every turn. While blocking any oversite or investigation, the Dems have lined their pockets with money from these companies, and their Dem buddies have gotten rich running them into the ground.<

During the same time period....Obama has accepted nearly $1m from Fannie and Freddie....McCain has accepted less than $1000